We've put this blog post together to help streamline your initial experience developing on the Ning platform. Here's how to get going...

Step 1: Get a Ning Network


Working with a Network Creator?
If you or your client already has a Ning Pro Network, you can get started right away by developing on a test network. All Ning Pro test networks have API access, and using the API on the test network doesn't affect your regular Ning Network. Learn more about test networks.

Independent developer?
Get started by creating a Ning Pro trial network (30 days free).


Step 2: Generate an API Key

Once you have access to a Ning Network, you'll need to generate consumer credentials for your application. The consumer credentials identify your application when it accesses the Ning Network. You can generate up to twenty different keys for different applications.
To generate a developer key, visit the following page on your Ning Network (swapping the "NAME" portion for your network's subdomain) :


Step 3: Check out Docs and Code Samples

Familiarize yourself with the API by reading the API overview section of the documentation.
Start coding by checking out our examples:





NOTE: Looking to develop an OpenSocial application rather than using the Ning API? Learn more about our OpenSocial support.

Views: 6482

Comment by JFarrow on October 11, 2011 at 3:32pm
i would love to know how to get started with creating a small javascript based app which appears on every page of a network..
Comment by Satyam on May 27, 2012 at 10:53pm
How can i know that the member is logged in or not in ning network through the NING API.
Comment by Winter Wong on June 11, 2012 at 8:51am

Is this blog still maintained? The first few links are broken and is preventing me to continue the "Getting Started".. :)


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Blog Posts

Getting Started

Posted by Kyle Ford on October 13, 2010 at 8:00am 3 Comments

A Note on API Pricing

Posted by Phil McCluskey on October 1, 2010 at 8:55am 0 Comments

Welcome to Build!

Posted by Kyle Ford on September 30, 2010 at 8:30pm 1 Comment

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