I'm pleased to announce several new features to the Ning API:

  • Blog Post endpoint
    • New featuredDate property
    • New sort order /BlogPost/featured
  • Photo endpoint
    • New featuredDate property
    • New sort order /Photo/featured
  • User endpoint
    • New featuredDate property
    • New sort order /User/featured
  • Comments endpoint
    • New featuredDate property
    • New sort order /Comment/featured

Be sure to checkout the complete changelog. It contains examples and an explanation of the tag changes.

If you find any issues please report them in the bugs section of the forum.

Views: 357

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This is great news! Keep the good work!

great news Devin!

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Blog Posts

Getting Started

Posted by Kyle Ford on October 13, 2010 at 8:00am 3 Comments

A Note on API Pricing

Posted by Phil McCluskey on October 1, 2010 at 8:55am 0 Comments

Welcome to Build!

Posted by Kyle Ford on September 30, 2010 at 8:30pm 1 Comment

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