I'm pleased to announce several new features and improvements to the Ning API:

  • New Tag endpoint
    • Allows developers to access all the tags attached to a content item.
  • New Friend endpoint
    • Get the list of your friends
    • Get the list of friends for another member
    • Add a friend
    • Remove a friend
  • Blog Post endpoint updates
    • Add tags on creation
    • Update tags
    • Filter by tag
    • Renamed the tags field to topTags
  • Photo endpoint updates
    • Add tags on creation
    • Update tags
    • Filter by tag
    • Renamed the tags field to topTags
  • Activity endpoint updates
    • Include CreateTopic event in results
    • Include CreateTopicComment event in results

Be sure to checkout the complete changelog. It contains examples and an explanation of the tag changes.


Over the next week I'll be updating the Ning API client libraries to include these new features. Make sure to follow the projects on GitHub and send us your pull requests!


If you find any issues please report them in the bugs section of the forum.

Views: 383

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Very nice!

Looks like "title" field in activity feed is not correctly set for CreateTopicComment event. I would expect a discussion title there, but the field is not present in the response.

This is great news Devin!

Every improvement to the API is worth like gold, as it empowers us to build on top of your excellent work and to stand on the shoulder of giants!

As I asked to Phil, do you have plans for further improvements in the (not necessarily near) future?

Looks great Devin !

And SO great to see you are working on the api :-)

Any idea when you guys will add events to the api ?




cool new additions Devin! Now we're rolling--

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