"Field 'description' must be at most 4096 characters but was 6401"

I sometimes get error similar to this one when I try to fetch comments to some blog post. I guess it is an error in the API.

"Field 'description' must be at most 4096 characters but was 6401"

Does someone have a similar experience?


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This does sound like a bug, can you send me a URL to the blog post that has this issue? Based on your description, I believe you are making a /Comment/recent request for a blog post and one of the comments is really long.





you are right. I'm talking about the post with ID = 784568:BlogPost:25705566 on thisis50.com network.

Actual error is a little bit longer:

Field 'description' must be at most 4096 characters but was 6401, value = "GOT SOME HOT BEAT FOR FREE TO DOWNLOAD http://soundcloud.com/bigsizedzo/sets/big-size-1er-partie



Devin, did you manage to find the problem?



Devin said:

This does sound like a bug, can you send me a URL to the blog post that has this issue? Based on your description, I believe you are making a /Comment/recent request for a blog post and one of the comments is really long.



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