Heyy all,


i have a question. I try to connect to the ning api with webreferences in ASP.Net. But everytime i try to connect it doesn't work. I get a error.


Does someone knows how this works,







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Paste your code and the error and there's a chance someone might be able to help you... Otherwise we have no idea what your problem is!

i'm sorry i forget it.


I use the webreference in ASP.net. For the webreference it's necessary to use the url of the api. So i did that, i used the link below:



Then i need to give my credientials, username and password. The response of the server is the error below:


There a error with downloading 'http://external.ningapis.com/xn/rest/leadingladyclub/1.0/Token'. The request failed with HTTP-status 405: Method Not Allowed.


I don't get it, maybe can someone help me out


Best regards,



I'm not familiar with webreference in ASP.net, but here are a few things to make sure it's doing:

  • Make sure it's making a POST request
  • Ensure you are also sending valid OAuth parameters in the body of the request
  • Make sure you are sending the member's email and password using basic access authentication header

For full details see the obtaining credentials section of the documentation.


I checked all of these point and one thing was different. I put the OAuth paramaters in the header insteat of the body. Now I get a other error:


The oauth_consumer_key is unknown to the Service Provider. No consumer key was provided.


How is this possible. I made a Ning-API Key inside of the ning dashboard.


Best regards,





I solved this problem.

I have only one question. Where did i found my Oauth_signiture. This is from the manual:


The signature is generated using the consumer key and consumer secret provisioned by Ning.


but where do I found this signature.


Best regards,




I made it.


Thanks for all the help i needed.


Best Regards,




I get the same error message: The oauth_consumer_key is unknown to the Service Provider. No consumer key was provided.

I also got the key from the ning dashboard.

How did you eventually manage to solve this?

Thanks in advance!

Here are some similar problems with solutions: http://build.ning.com/forum/topics/access-token


Thanks Chris.

However, the discussion you mention deals with obtaining access credentials through the Token resource.

I manage to do that and I obtained the relevant JSON answer.

What I'm not able to do, is to use these credentials to access a Ning API resource.

I get this errore message (The oauth_consumer_key is unknown to the Service Provider. No consumer key was provided) as If i had not included any oauth_consumer_key in the Authorization header. But I did!

I have no clue what the problem may be...

Ah. I use php so I can't help with the asp version. Post the fix here when you get it for others though!
In fact, I'm using the Poster add-on for Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/poster/). May be the problem is with this tool...

Yes, I confirm that the issue is with Poster: it seems that it messes things up a bit with the Authorization header.

I tried the same case with cURL and it worked perfectly.

Sorry for annoying you with this.

Franco Mercalli said:

In fact, I'm using the Poster add-on for Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/poster/). May be the problem is with this tool...

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