Network Creators now have the option to place OpenSocial applications on member profile pages. Previously, profile views were limited to the "My Apps" area within a member's profile. When enabled, Profile Apps and the profile view of Ning Apps will be rendered directly on profile pages.

You don't need to make any changes to your OpenSocial application to enable this functionality. To activate it, the Network Creator simply needs to enable OpenSocial applications on profile pages on the My Network -> Members -> Controls page.

Note that the default behavior is still to display the profile view on the "My Apps" page, and it's up to the Network Creator to enable direct profile page display.


You can encourage Network Creators to enable the profile view by sending them the Creators post explaining the changes.

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yes i have has the same confusion

i work for a brochure stands firm and we have a blog of our own

really confused on howto do this 

any calls ? 

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