I've setup a php script to retrieve user data from the Ning system via the API. When importing members, I am pulling the answers to all of the questions stored in profileQuestions. However, we have at least two members that when their information is imported, one of the critical questions we need data for does not come across.

I have been told that the user has answered the question and that they are showing up inside the Ning system as they should. However, when I query their info from the API, the question does not have an entry at all. However, other questions come through fine and I do know that the user originally did not answer the question. I was told that they recently went in and changed their response but I am not seeing any change on my end.

Is it possible for me to verify that the question has been answered with only access to the API or is there a way I can have an admin check to make sure the user answered the question? Or has anyone had issues with answers dropping off to questions sporatically?


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If you have access to the API, I assume you have a username and password that you're using to authenticate to the site?  Or do you only have an oauth token and secret?  If you have a username and password, you can log in to the site, browse to the user's profile page, and check the profile questions there.

It looks like you're already doing all you can to check through the API: http://developer.ning.com/docs/ningapi/1.0/reference/users.html#pro...

Note that to retrieve profile questions through the API, you have to be the NC or the user in question.  Are you using the NC's credentials?

Hi Phillip,

Thanks for the response! I was able to hunt down the answer based on some of your suggestions. I can now see that the users have not answered the question. This brings me to part two of my question...

Users are being categorized based on their answer to this question. So their answer and category should be identical...which they are in most cases. However, some users have been manually assigned to the category via the admin, in which case the question is unanswered yet the category is set. So my question is...can I pull the users category data via the API? That way I'm receiving the admins input, as well?

I've searched the docs and can't seem to find a reference on how to pull user/category info. If I cannot, then I assume this means that the user will be required to answer the question themselves, in order for me to be able to pull their info correctly. If the API cannot get the category data, then can admins answer the question for the user, to streamline the process?



Phillip Pearson said:

If you have access to the API, I assume you have a username and password that you're using to authenticate to the site?  Or do you only have an oauth token and secret?  If you have a username and password, you can log in to the site, browse to the user's profile page, and check the profile questions there.

It looks like you're already doing all you can to check through the API: http://developer.ning.com/docs/ningapi/1.0/reference/users.html#pro...

Note that to retrieve profile questions through the API, you have to be the NC or the user in question.  Are you using the NC's credentials?

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