Heyy all, 

I'm new on Ning. I want to develop a application and use the ning api. I've read the guidline "Ning API Docs" but I still have some questions. 

I read things you can and cannot do. If I believe the manual,  I cannot do what I want. Is there any possible way to update profile information or get events information because I cant find it. Or are there new feateres coming up that makes it possible. 



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You are correct, you can't update profiles or access the events feature yet. Both of these are planed for future versions of the API. I don't know yet when they will be released.

Heyy Devin,


thanks for your quick reply. 

It's to bad, but is there a way to do it old school. I mean can I connect to my ning database with a connectionstring or something like that. I need to import and export data into the ning and my own database and sync them. 


I really hope so.











You can use the Ning Archiver to download a local copy of your site's data. The data that is downloaded is XML, you might be able to hack something together temporarily until we add support in the API.


I am also interested in using the API to update "Events". Do you have any approximate ETA on this?

Thanks in advance, John
Devin said:



You are correct, you can't update profiles or access the events feature yet. Both of these are planed for future versions of the API. I don't know yet when they will be released.

Hey Davin

Any news about extending the API to support events ?


I would LOVE to get some more functions to extend my use of NING.


I'm building a newsletter containing my members new and up comming events, but the rss feed only give me 10/20 events and not all.

So I can't track newly created events.


Any idea is very very very welcome !!





I'd also like to know this; or preferably get some sort of roadmap for when API features are coming.

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