I hope I'm not wasting my time posting this here as it doesn't seem too active.  I am looking for a little bit of direction on creating an app related to mapping.  I have a network landsurveyorsunited.com  and I have a new partnership with surveying.org

What I hope to accomplish is the following:

Next week I will be adding my member map (generated from member data batch geolocated to KML) Kmz to surveying.org.  

What I would like is for the member data on the map to be auto-updated if possible using the Ning api

I would like to have live status updates from the mobile version to post directly to surveying.org via GeoRSS or Json

I have group forums for all continents, countries and all 50 US states.  I would like for the forum feeds for these groups to have a place on this map, updated by RSS

is this too much to ask?  is it possible?  please point me in the right direction. Any assistance you could lend would be much appreciated and proper credit will be given.

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