Hi all!


I want to update my MailChimp database with informations about my network members. I plan to wrote a php script to do that (unless someone has a better idea). There is currently a field that blocks me a little. This is the field "Last Visit" (date) that is present in the members exports (CSV file) but which I do not see in the APIs. How can I obtain this information with APIs? Is this the "updatedDate" property?


Thanks in advance for your help.


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It's possible to access the member's last visit date via the Ning API. I've filed a request to have it added. The updatedDate property is the last time any of the fields of the User object changed. You can think of it as the last time the member updated their profile information.

Hi Devin!

It's a great news. Have you an idea for the release date?


Thanks for all.


Hello Devin.

No news for a release date?


No scheduled release date yet, I filed the request but it needs to go through the normal scheduling process.

Thanks Devin.

I will wait for news from you...


Hi Devin!

Still no news on this (release date, road map, ...) ?

Thanks in advance


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