Started seeing this error a few days ago for about 1 in 100 attempts (guess!).


Any ideas what's causing it - I'm guessing it's DNS not resolving properly but is the problem with the User, my other hosts or with Ning?

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Seeing quite a few more of these today (and the api usage chart is no longer updating)


cURL error: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received


Is it something I'm doing wrong?

I think these are two different issues:


1. We've found the cause of the API usage chart and we should have it fixed soon.

2. Does the timeout only happen when you make requests to the /User endpoint or does it happen for all API calls?


Thanks Devin. Typically, I haven't had any since I mentioned it!


I'm only making requests to the sign in and profile information at the moment, and it seems to be when pulling the profile info. I've had three types of error message - "cURL error: name lookup timed out", "cURL error: SSL connection timeout", "cURL error: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received"


I can provide details if that would help...

do you need details of my other host to do a traceroute?

The User endpoint can be slow and is most likely the cause of the timeouts. I don't think it's an issue with the connection itself, I think the server is taking too long to respond.


The User endpoint is slower than the rest because it needs to access several different systems to build the complete profile. I'll talk with the engineering team to see what could be done to speed it up.


Gotcha. I haven't seen it again since starting this discussion...


I'm guessing there isn't a more efficient way to pull profile data? I'm already caching it for a short while...



It's been good for a while, but I got another "cURL error: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received" at 2011-07-03T12:13:05-07:00 

Just a heads up in case you're tracking this. It was when pulling profile info.



Three "cURL error: name lookup timed out" errors on 23rd at 2011-07-23T05:41:20-07:00, and a different error today:


An unexpected error occurred (call to backend system failed, URL 'http://********', HTTP error code 500)





Would it be better to file this as a ticket?



Getting quite a few of these "cURL error: name lookup timed out" errors again recently - anything changed that I need to reflect in my code?

Today it's been failing from about 5pm and it's still throwing these curl errors at 11:30pm (PST)

There have been a couple of other spots, and the last big outage was 3rd Jan from 11am to about 2pm.

Is it something at my end? Anyone else seeing these? It's preventing members from signing in to various bits of the site, and generating large numbers of complaints.

There are no known issues, what happens when you run this command from your server:


That command should show you how long it takes to find the Ning API domain name.

Devin said:

There are no known issues, what happens when you run this command from your server:


That command should show you how long it takes to find the Ning API domain name.

Thanks Devin. Here's the response this morning. I'll try to run it again when I'm seeing errors.

; >> DiG 9.6-ESV-R4 >>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36195 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 19030 IN A ;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Thu Jan 19 10:37:19 2012 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 55

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